ODAC Weekly Update – Week of August 26 – September 1, 2024

Coach Craig

ODAC Weekly Update – Week of August 26 – September 1, 2024

Practice Schedules and Adjustments

Age group swimmers at our Honey Bee practice site will have practices offered on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week – with all practices following their normal practice times each day.

Senior 3 / 11-12 from 7:15 pm – 8:15 pm on Monday, Wednesday and from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm on Friday at HB

9-10 from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday and from 7:15 pm – 8:15 pm on Friday at HB

Super Squad Blue 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at HB

Super Squad Yellow 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at HB


Age group swimmers who normally practice at our Great Bridge practice site will continue to have practices offered at the Greenbrier Country Club until ODAC gains access to the Great Bridge pool as of Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Practice this week at the Greenbrier Country Club pool will be offered on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights – with all practice following an adjusted practice schedule.  It is as follows:

Senior 3 / 11-12 from 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Greenbrier Country Club

9-10 from 7:15 pm – 8:15 pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Greenbrier Country Club

Super Squad Blue from 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Greenbrier Country Club

Super Squad Yellow from 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Greenbrier Country Club


Age group swimmers registered to swim at the Great Bridge practice site in the afternoon should attend the practices offered at the Greenbrier Country Club until September 3, 2024.  Their schedule is as follows:

9-10 from 7:15 pm – 8:15 pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at Greenbrier Country Club

Super Squad Blue from 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Greenbrier Country Club

Super Squad Yellow from 7:00 pm – 7:45 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Greenbrier Country Club


  • To clarify for all families registered to practice at the Great Bridge Swim and Racquet Club – ODAC does not have access to the Great Bridge Pool until Tuesday, September 3, 2024.  Practices will continue to be offered to these registered swimmers at the Greenbrier Country Club up to September 3, 2024. At that time, both the afternoon and evening practices will become available at the Great Bridge Pool.


  • There will NOT be any practices offered for Senior 3, 11-12, 9-10, Super Squad Blue, and Super Squad Yellow on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of the Labor Day holiday.


General Information

  • The ODAC Practice Schedule is attached to this week’s ODAC Weekly Update for everyone to follow.  This will include two documents: The practice schedule for Weeks 1 and 2, and the club's practice schedule as of September 3, 2024, through the remainder of the 2024-2025 short course season.  Please simply click the links below to view the schedules.

Practice Schedule for Week 2

Practice Schedule as of September 3, 2024, through the remainder of the short course season.

  • As of Tuesday, September 3, 2024, all ODAC swimmers will follow their normal practice schedule at our Great Bridge pool practice site in both the afternoon and evening, along with all practice groups at our Honey Bee pool practice site.


  • The ODAC Fall Picnic and NEW Parents Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 7, 2024, at the Honey Bee Pool.  The NEW Parents Meeting will begin at 11:00 am and all parents (new and old) are strongly encouraged to attend.  The Fall Picnic is scheduled from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm.  A signup for the Potluck Lunch has also been distributed to all families.  Please take a moment to sign up to bring a needed item.